Life’s Lessons

3 min readApr 19, 2023

Are Usually Products Of life’s Mistakes ~

Photo by explorenation # on Unsplash

I consider myself one of the luckiest men alive because everything I’ve done in my life has led me right here. My wonderful intelligent and beautiful soulmate of over 50 years and I begat a smart, healthy and independent bairn who chose a wonderful husband and father to our incredible grandchild. Had I done anything different along the way some or all of that might not be true.

I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree but I’ll stare at it long enough to see it for what it is and I have a very high sense of self preservation which I extend to my inner circle. The rest of this chapter is devoted to the premises, precepts and tenets that got me to this place after being thrown into a basket on the floor of the delivery room so the doctors and nurses could attend to my mother who nearly gave her life giving me mine 70 years ago. The younger or less together you are the longer you should linger on each one.

Stay humble

Do the work

Don’t rush in

Don’t force it

Assume nothing

Don’t procrastinate

Be dependent on no one

Trust in your own judgments

Cultivate your own convictions

Our origin is pure chance.
Our legacy is pure choice.

We are the future of our generation.
It’s not too late to do the right thing.

He who dies without regrets never lived.
He who dies with the fewest regrets wins.

Life’s relevance is it’s certainty of death.
Clarity of purpose is life’s quintessence.

Never shake hands with the mob for they will never forget or let you.

Consider the consequences before you regret them

Always Ask:
1. What is the right thing to do here?
2. Is it legal, moral and ethical?
3. If #2 is no, revisit #1.

What happens on the dark side of the moon,
stays on the dark side of the moon.

Mathematicians and Scientists explain the unknown by proving what it is.
The rest us explain the unknown by eliminating what it isn’t.

Wisdom is only a thing once it has been proven and shared.

Wisdom withheld is worthless to the withholder.

Don’t delay a kindness.
A spontaneous kindness has no equal.

Although I don’t believe,
I respect that you do,
and I expect the same from you.

How you handle the unforeseen defines you.

Whenever you can afford, be sure to reward.

Whenever faced with an important decision (every decision), ask yourself
“What’s the worst thing I could do here?” Then make sure to not to!

Willful ignorance is either an attempt
to establish plausible deniability or evade complicity.

Intelligence and Education are not indicators of, nor do they influence honesty, ethics, morality or the propensity for willful ignorance.

Never be the cause or antagonist of hostility,
but once you are in it, win it, fast.

Diplomacy after combat has begun only serves to prolong the conflict,
increase the risk to our soldiers and for collateral damage.

Evil can only be defeated in its infancy without collateral damage.

Dismiss what their words depict when their actions contradict.

Ridge’s third:
For every politician’s word
there is an equal and opposite action.

No, there is not always a choice.
Then we reconcile with inevitability.

Your opinions are not my facts,
so to your opinions I’ll not react.

Darkness doesn’t only exist between the light.
But darkness will always yield way to the light.

Whether The End Does Or Doesn’t Justify The Means,
The Means Expose Our True Nature.
The Means Matter As Much Or More Than The End.

A Leaders Character & Principles
Transcend Party & Platform
To Either Purify Or Infect.

I Naively Hope My words
Foster Awareness In The Uninitiated
And Clarity Of Conscience In The Culpable.

Ridge © 2023




Explore alternative points of view. Form opinions and convictions empirically. Tender perspectives without apology. Battle the idiocy of bigotry every day.